The importance of micronutrients cannot be overstated. They serve a fundamental role in your health, development, growth, and overall wellness.
The good news is that micronutrients show up in a variety of food items that you no doubt eat. The bad news is that you like most people probably aren’t getting enough micronutrients in your diet.
Why Are Micronutrients Important?
First up, what exactly are micronutrients? They are the opposite of macronutrients like carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Whereas you need huge chunks of the aforementioned, you need teeny quantities of micronutrients like those listed below to sustain yourself:
- Calcium
- Chloride
- Magnesium
- Phosphorus
- Boron
- Sodium
- Cobalt
- Copper
- Fluoride
- Iron
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin C
- Etc.
Also known as minerals and vitamins, micronutrients are absolutely vital to the proper functioning of your body. As an example, sodium maintains proper fluid levels in your body, while magnesium ensures that your heart keeps up its normal rhythm.
Not consuming enough micronutrients can lead to ‘hidden hunger,’ a state where your body starts to disintegrate in a way that’s not obvious to the eyes. If children do not consume enough vitamin A, for instance, they grow much more susceptible to devastating conditions like malaria and measles.
Prolonged micronutrient deficiency can lead to even worse conditions like mental retardation, blindness, and even death. The simple point is that micronutrients are something that you need to survive because if you don’t get enough in your system, you will inevitably face the consequences.
How Can Micronutrient Deficiency Be Avoided?
The easiest way to avoid micronutrient deficiency entails simply eating balanced meals full of the major components — meat, veggies, fruits, dairy, nuts, grains, etc. Here’s the problem though: Not all of us have the time and money to maintain the perfect diet. Plus, some of us are on special niche diets designed to tighten our waist belts.
The point is that it’s very difficult to obtain all the micronutrients needed by just eating food alone. This is why it’s fundamental that you fortify your diet with micronutrient supplements. The first thought when people hear ‘supplements’ is of course the multivitamin. This can be both in pill form or in a liquid supplement. In fact, some studies show the liquid supplement is more easily absorbed.
Why Liquid Supplements Over Others?
There is a much better solution available to you. Liquid supplements are the exact same thing as conventional multivitamin/micronutrient pills, except that they get delivered to your body directly in liquid form. It’s the difference between swallowing a huge pill and drinking a tablespoon or two of a juicy flavored liquid.
Truth be told, micronutrients delivered in the liquid form get absorbed into your bloodstream much more quickly. Why? Regular pill-based supplements require that your body first digest the capsule or pill before it’s able to access the minerals and vitamins lying within. With these supplements, you get the micronutrients themselves without any extra fillers and binders.
Here are some additional benefits of liquid supplements:
- They make the consumption of supplements much easier for children.
- They can be mixed with drinks (orange juice, apple cider, etc.) for enhanced taste.
- They contain a greater concentration of fundamental micronutrients.
- They result in less digestive waste.
Overall, these kinds of supplements offer better absorption coupled with a better consumption experience. They are especially effective for those into fitness. Typically, fitness enthusiasts take a multivitamin pill 30 minutes before they begin their routine. Even then, it takes a minimum of an hour (if not two) for your body to get through the pill and begin absorbing the vitamins. With liquid supplements, this time is drastically reduced.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, micronutrients are really, really important for your health! Unfortunately, you likely aren’t getting enough of them in your life. The question then isn’t whether or not you need to supplement your diet, but whether you want to do so with traditional pill-form supplements or with liquid supplements. We definitely recommend the latter, but ultimately, the decision rests with you and you alone.